Main research topics of relevance to this workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Novel FL models for computer vision tasks, e.g., scene understanding, face recognition, object detection, person re-identification, image segmentation, human action recognition, medical image processing, etc.
- Privacy-preserving machine learning for computer vision tasks
- Personalized FL models for computer vision applications
- Novel computer vision applications of FL and privacy-preserving machine learning
- FL frameworks and tools designed for computer vision applications and benchmarking
- Novel vision datasets for FL
- Optimization algorithms for FL, particularly algorithms tolerant of data heterogeneity and resource heterogeneity
- Approaches that scale FL to larger models, including model pruning and gradient compression techniques
- Label efficient learning in FL, e.g., self-supervised learning, semi-supervised learning, active learning, etc.
- Neural architecture search (NAS) for FL
- Life-long learning in FL
- Attacks on FL including model poisoning, data poisoning, and corresponding defenses
- Fairness in FL
- Federated domain adaptation
- Privacy leakage and defense in the FL environments
- Privacy-preserving Generative models for CV
- FL based CV pipeline for scene understanding and visual analytics